As Long as the Sun Shines, Grass Grows, and River Flows
The AMO Society is the children's and family services for Louis Bull Tribe citizens. The goal for the AMO Society is to keep families together!
We Are Here To Help
The AMO Society was built to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our Awasisahk, Families, and Tribe. Bill C-92 that was put into effect affirms and recognizes Indigenous jurisdiction over our own child and family services. Our Law puts into effect clear guidelines for child and family services that provides support for parents and guardians as well as protection and care for our Awasisahk and children.
The AMO Society Law acknowledges and respects the roles of the family and Louis Bull Tribe in the care of children and our Awasisahk. Louis Bull Tribe advances and protects the Treaty rights of its Tribal families: Elders, citizens Awasis, Oskayahk and future Awasisahk